Friday, October 10, 2008

3 Simple Words!






Kim said...

Congratulations!! Maybe they can all get their Eagle Scout together!!

cookfamily said...

Congratulations! How exciting!!! I cannot believe how fast time has gone by...I remember when you and Matt got married and it seemed like yesterday. I am so happy for you guys and the new addition that will be coming into your family soon.

Kate said...

Now you've got to start thinking about boy names!

Sarah Burgoyne said...

Thank you for evening out my three girls :) Congratulations!

The Steele family said...

Congrats that is so great.

Lisa R said...

Congratulations! See how out of the loop I am? I didn't even know you were expecting (until the other day)!
Wow you are really outnumbered now!

Our Family said...

3 boys! Wow! That's just crazy and very exciting. What great friends they are all going to be. That will be especially fun as they get older. I love watching my guy cousins interact. Congrats!

Paul and Megan Hawkes said...

Wow! You are going to have your hands full! Congrats.

Stacia said...

Yay! The good thing is that you'll already know what to do as a mommy because you've had two to practice on. ;^)

Shaun - Jillian said...

Congrats Jules!! That is exciting. They will all have a little friend to hang out with. I love the pictures of you and the kiddos too! I am glad to see you are doing well.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Congratulations!!!
By the way, love the blog!

Shaun - Jillian said...

Hey - I saw that you were coming here for Christmas! We should get together and do dinner with everyone. We should have everyone bring their hubbies and kids since we rarely get to see everyone. Let me know what you think! How are you feeling?