Wednesday, March 26, 2008

5 months

So today is the day! My baby is 5 months old it's so crazy. Where does time go. To celebrate his 5 month mark I want to tell you all the cute things he does! He sits up and he rolls around. He's getting pretty mobile with his determination he reaches any toy he wants. He is so happy we have nicknamed him "Tickle me Porter" because he will just laugh and laugh with the biggest grin! Just last week he started talking to me when we was crying so instead of just screaming he at least tries to tell me whats wrong. He LOVES his big brother! Timmy can do no wrong and everything he does is so funny to Porter. He loves food and bathtime. He still likes to get up in the night but, he gives me a break every once in a while! I love my baby and I can't believe it's been 5 months!

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