Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Timmy's First Sentence

We have done so much this month it has been insane! I don't know how March has flown by so fast. I can't believe it's almost over. It started with Matt's birthday which I didn't even get to post because we left for Texas the next day and being gone for 2 weeks I have a lot to catch up on. Matt turned 26 on the 9th. It was a good birthday we had a really fun party with friends on the Friday before and then we had a family party on Sunday with cake and gifts! He is such an awesome husband! I love him so much! Then my mom and I went on the Texas trip. This will be a whole post as soon as Matt brings the camera back from school. We saw my Grandma, my nephew Mason and his family, we saw my neice Amber and two Uncles. It was a blast! Then we flew into Indianapolis and Matt came over. We played in Indy for 2 days and then came home. That will be another post. But, Tim's first sentence was while we were in Indy. We pulled up into the hotel late after dinner and it was in a wooded area. As soon as he got out of the car he looked into the woods pointed his little pointer finger (up by his eye like he does) and said "Is there a bear in there?" Matt and I looked at each other and then at him and smiled and said "what?" and he said " Is there a bear in there?" we told him there wasn't a bear in there and he said "Oh, no bear." It was so cute and totally made our night! I just can't believe that Timmy is 2 and growing up so fast. I love you Timmy!


Paul and Megan Hawkes said...

Good job Timmy! What a big boy you are becoming! I think your next trip should be to Vernal! It has been awhile since you have been our direction! We love and miss you.

Kate said...

So cute that he was concerned about a bear being in there! I can't believe how grown up he is getting! When is your next trip to Florida?

Lisa R said...

Hey Julie your kiddos are adorable. I haven't ever seen Porter before, we left IL too fast! Very cute baby, and Tim is getting so big and talking sentences. Wow! Your family looks great and you look like you are having lots of fun!

Ashley said...

Wow that is the cutest first sentence ever!!!

Sarah Burgoyne said...

I love when they really start to communicate, makes life a little easier :) It's amazing the conversations I can have with Hannah.