Sunday, December 14, 2008

Good Times with Good Friends

Some of my old high school friends and I went out to dinner to P.F. Changs. It was so yummy! The baby told me all night that I definatley at to much! It was so fun to see everyone and catch up. Aubree brought her cute little one year old. He and Porter are only a few weeks apart. He is such a cutie. It made me miss my cute boys. It was really nice of Grandma to watch and play with them. Here are some pictures!

Jill, Me, Cassia, and Morgan
Morgan and I

Aubree and I

Aubree and Spence, Me, Mel, Morgan, Jill and Cassia


Anne said...

So cute!! I am so glad you are having FUN! We miss you all!

Jenilyn Anderson said...

I wish I could have been there! Looks like you guys had fun!

Shaun - Jillian said...

I can't believe that you already have the pictures up. You are impressive! It was so great seeing you last night. You look so great and it was so fun to get together.

Paul and Megan Hawkes said...

I am so glad you made it to Utah. That is so much fun to catch up with old friends. We can't wait to see you over the holidays. Love you lots.

Heather S said...

Hi Julie. I am glad that you are having a good time. Hope all is going well!

Amanda said...

Julie! So I just remembered you gave me your blog address so I went back through old comments and found you! (you'll have to forgive my brain back then....I had just had a baby!) Anyways, it was fun to see your cute family. It will be much easier to stay in touch this way. Do you know what baby #3 is yet? We're excited for you.