Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm Back!

Well, I shouldn't lie because I'm not really going to be that faithful at blogging. I will be lucky if it is every 2 weeks and then when the baby comes. Maybe every month. I will try though! It has been so much fun and time has just gone by so fast since we have come home from Utah. Here is a little recap--

We went to the Allstate Sugarbowl in New Orleans, LA. That was a blast and of course we all know the outcome of the AMAZING game!

Then we have just stayed in. I guess "Nesting" has finally hit. I just lay awake some nights thinking of all the projects I want to do. I think of the all the dirty things that need cleaned. So I do them and then I'm down for a couple of days because I'm so tired from laying awake in the middle of the night and cleaning all day.

The boys are growing up so fast. Timmy's new favorite thing to do is sled. He hikes up to the top of the hill himself with his sled and lays on his tummy and there he goes! It's so cute. I can't believe he is so big. Everyday he says more things and speaks clearer. He has some really great stories. He and Porter love to play together and I don't know what they would do with out eachother! He also is working on potty training, almost but still not quite there.

Porter is talking pretty well. He has surprised us and uses about 7 words regularly. Ball, mom, dad, bye, head, uh-oh, and please! He is getting so tall and so big. We love him so much!

Matt is started back to school so we will see him around summertime! I feel bad I was pouting all weekend dreading Tuesday when classes start. But, he ended up staying home for the first 1/2 of the day and taking us sledding. It was so much fun. He is such a wonderful dad! We love him so much!

The baby is definitely growing fast. I only have 44 more days left. I can't complain, this pregnancy has been the best yet. I feel really good and haven't had any problems so far! Usually at this point I'm so ready to have the baby because I'm sick of being pregnant. But, now I just can't wait to have the baby to see how cute he is! I sure love my boys!

Well, hopefully I'll get some pictures up soon! Sorry for the long drought! Have a great day!

1 comment:

Lisa R said...

I can't believe you are only 39 days from another baby! Wow! Congratulations. BTW you look way cute, you are absolutely glowing! And your boys are getting so big. It feels like I've been gone forever now with how much they have grown!
Good luck with you new little one when he arrives!